About NSK


Nihon Shinbun Kyokai (NSK), or the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association, is an entirely independent and autonomous organization funded and operated by the mass media of Japan. NSK was established on July 23, 1946, to elevate ethical standards in reporting and protect and promote the media's common interests.

NSK’s objectives are as follows:

  1. Enchancing of ethical standards of the press and disseminating information about newspapers
  2. Conducting surveys and research regarding newspapers, news agencies and broadcasting
  3. Operating the Japan Newspaper Museum (NEWSPARK)
  4. Promoting and engaging with NIE (Newspaper in Education)
  5. Doing public relations concerning newspapers
  6. Serving liaison, both domestic and foreign, on matters related to newspapers, news agencies and broadcasting
  7. Publishing an organ newspaper and reference materials

The Canon of Journalism

Prerequisites for membership require that the applying news organization pledges to observe the Canon of Journalism adopted by NSK on its foundation and newly enacted in 2000. Incorporating the fundamental spirit of the original and in response to dramatic changes in society and the media environment, the new Canon of Journalism states:

The public's right to know is a universal principle that sustains a democratic society. That right cannot be ensured without the existence of media, operating with the guarantee of freedom of speech and expression, while being totally committed to a high moral standard and fully independent. Member newspapers resolve to retain their role as the fittest standard-bearers in this regard.
In a modern society flooded with a vast amount of information, the public is constantly required to make correct and swift decisions on what is true and which information to select. It is the responsibility of member newspapers to respond to such requirements and fulfill their public and cultural mission through accurate and fair reporting, and through responsible commentaries.
All newspapermen and women engaged in editing, production, advertising and circulation should uphold freedom of speech and expression. They should also conduct themselves with honor and decency in such a way as to ensure this responsibility is duly fulfilled, and to strengthen readers' confidence in newspapers.

Aside from the Canon of Journalism, NSK has set up other ethical standards for business practices, including the Newspaper Sales Code and Newspaper Advertising Code of Ethics.

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