1. Nihon Shinbun Kyokai
  2. About NSK
  3. Organization and Activities

Organization and Activities

NSK activities are carried out by various standing committees (including Editorial Affairs, Advertising, Circulation, International Affairs, Human Resources and Technology) as well as subcommittees, study groups and specialist task forces. In addition, ad hoc committees are organized under the board of directors to deliberate major policy issues as the need arises.

NSK serves numerous spheres of the newspaper industry, and its activities can be divided into the following categories: (A) maintenance and elevation of ethical standards, (B) research/study, (C) education/interchange, (D) public relations and (E) publishing activities.

Maintenance and Elevation of Ethical Standards

Maintenance and elevation of ethical standards based on the Canon of Journalism are pivotal parts of NSK’s activities to strengthen readers’ confidence in newspapers and to remain fully independent.


NSK conducts various nationwide surveys each year, ranging from a statistical survey on newspaper readership to surveys on newspaper production facilities, revenues and assets trends and the reliability of the press. The findings of these surveys are published for use inside and outside the newspaper industry.


NSK annually holds about a dozen seminars for people working in sectors of the newspaper business like editing, advertising, materials control, accounting and technology. The seminars aim to provide up-to-date information in each field to strengthen the professional abilities of press people.

NSK has been engaged in activities to promote exchange of views and experiences among newspapers throughout the world by organizing international conferences, seminars and fellowship programs involving Europe, the United States, China, the Republic of Korea and ASEAN countries. Also, NSK is a member of the World Association of Newspapers (WAN-IFRA) and a member of the International Press Communications Council (IPTC).  As for the International Press Institute (IPI), NSK organizes the national committee of Japanese members.

Public Relations

NSK has tried in many ways to inform people of facts about newspapers and to seek public understanding. Every year, from October 15 to 21, NSK sponsors Newspaper Week, an event instituted in 1948, to increase public awareness of the significance of free and responsible newspapers. During Newspaper Week, NSK convenes its annual National Newspaper Convention and sponsors commemorative events and activities for readers at several large cities. NSK also promotes another newspaper week in spring, beginning April 6, Newspaper Reading Day.

Publishing Activities

NSK publishes biweekly newspaper, a monthly magazine, a quarterly and books related to mass media important for research and education.

  • Shinbun Kyokai-Ho, biweekly compact newspaper
  • Shinbun Kenkyu (Newspaper Studies), a monthly magazine mainly devoted to editorial problems
  • Shinbun Gijutsu (Newspaper Techniques), a quarterly devoted to newspaper production technology
  • Shinbun Nenkan, a yearbook containing extensive information on newspapers, broadcasters and news agencies
  • Databook, an annual handbook containing facts and figures of the Japanese newspaper industry
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